Monday, March 12, 2007

Star Tin Gover

I should know better.

I should have saved it when I got that third or fourth paragraph written, but of course I didn't. So now we have a Starting Over entry with a dual meaning: not only am I entering a new phase of my life, but I have to re-type this entry because my computer froze up in the middle of the previous version. The old version is gone - blown to smithereens. Starting over.

Why I Like People Today:
In the previous version, I was a bit hesitant at first - the day had been a fairly solitary one, and I was reaching for something to say. Since that time, my housemate came home, my boyfriend called, and generally things feel more social. So today I like people because they make things better. They just do. The BF was glad that I rolled the garbage bins out to the curb, the housemate ran the dishwasher and my water cup was clean when I was thirsty. It's just nice when we don't have to do everything by ourselves.

Just a sec here while I save this.

Starting Over
You know how some people say they want to leave but never do? Well, I'm not one of them. I made the move. No more small Colorado town - I'm in the big city now! So maybe the medium-sized city, but we're talking interstates and shopping malls and six different libraries on one card - a big step up from two-lane highways and a Sears that only carried appliances. I may be exaggerating a bit here, but this is the land of choices. Choices! I can actually take my business elsewhere if I don't like what I see. Just like I can make the big move when I'm ready to go.

The process of packing and moving has given me a more intimate view of all of my possessions, and my deep-seated desires to cling to things that I don't need. Probably the best thing to come out of this move (and I've only been here a week!) is this new perspecive on Things. I find myself being able to detach a bit easier with each box I open, trying to find space for its contents. The fact that there just isn't space for it all lends itself to an automatic ranking system that I wasn't aware of.

Even in the early packing stages, I found myself protecting certain items more than others, wanting to make sure these few things made it through the move safely. The rest, in all truthfulness, was really just a bunch of stuff I had that I could live without. Yes, I still brought most of it with me, but I'm not so desperate to hold onto it anymore, and it starts to feel like freedom when I let things go. You should try it.

In celebration of my arrival, the weather has been unbelievably warm, and I have been treated to some beautiful views of the moutains as I ran errands and opened accounts. Today I got out the bike, pumped up the tires, and went for a ride. I went the wrong way, of course, finding myself on a major road with no bike lane, crossing the on and off ramps for I-80. Luckily, it wasn't far to the park and I was soon safely in the bike/pedestrian lane circling the green spaces and the mostly dried-up lake. I took the proper route on the way home, over the interstate with the dubious protection of a bike lane. Not the most exciting ride, but the first of the year, and a good precedent. Now that I know where to go, I have no excuses...

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