So it's been a while. Yep, long months of change and progress. Moving into new things, new ideas. Old ideas that I'm starting to think about again. New forces pulling me in directions I need to go.
So here's a bridge, surely symbolic of the transitions that await me. Or maybe it's just a nice bridge that I wanted to take a picture of, so we stopped on the way back before we crossed it again. But even that means something. It means that my sweetheart likes me and doesn't mind pulling over to take pictures. Or to look at moose, which we did also on that trip - my first real live close-up moose experience! And no camera, because I didn't want to miss seeing them while I unzipped the bag and turned things on. It was cool.
It was also literally cool, because we were up in the mountains/hills and twenty degrees cooler than it was in town. Yes, it is surely summer. The hot kind.
So about those changes. The reason we have a picture of this bridge, which is way over by Flaming Gorge Dam, is that we were day-tripping out of Vernal, where my honey is learning to be a really good, money-making truck driver. We're seeing each other on the weekends now instead of every single day. I am happy to say that despite this, we are still moving forward with our relationship and none of my fears of tragic loneliness and disconnectedness have come to fruition.
Instead, I am finding myself thinking about things I didn't let myself think about for so long: marriage, houses, and all that. Future things. Hopeful things. And I've been taking small steps toward my other goals: I let my mom read my story during her visit, I've started the painting from my dream image, I've got Qt on my computer at home so I can build interfaces for personal programming projects. I'm crossing that bridge of hesitation and doubt, feeling more joy and pride. It's really awesome. Really.
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