Saturday, March 4, 2023

Sir Chistory: Guest Post

 Welcome to the future!

 Here is an old draft post that I found digitally lying around - looks like it's from July 2014 - coming up on a decade since I've delved into this. It's a nice little snapshot of a time long gone, before divorce, untimely deaths, and pandemic changed everything. 




Tally ho! Sir Chistory here, with more amazing discoveries from the World Wide Web.

Coconut oil for cuts and scrapes: When you are wounded and looking for Neosporin and can't find it, and someone says that coconut oil is good for cuts, you look it up. Because you don't believe it is quite the antibiotic you were looking for. It's supposed to help with healing things up nice, though. Once you kill the germs that were in the dirt that got into your wound.

First chicken eggs small: Because the first one we found in the straw of our nesting box area was small, maybe less than two inches long. Not that it wasn't incredibly exciting to get our first egg ever. Just checking to see if it was normal. It is.

Kids games for mobile sites: When they want to play a game on your phone and all you have are word games, a world geography test, and a tool to help you learn Morse Code, it's time to look for something that will work on a mobile site but doesn't require downloading an app. Didn't have much luck. Seems you need Flash or a larger pad-type device to get the games to look right and respond to you.

Nacho Libre: Because there were younger kids in the room and I wanted to make sure it wasn't rated R. Yes, I'm the no-fun aunt.

Merry Go Round of Addiction: Looked this up because it was one of the only terms I remembered from the Al-Anon literature I got from a friend many years ago. Someone in my life is involved with an addict and I was hoping to find something to help her understand how it all works. This kind of stuff helped me understand how my father's drinking affected my whole family.

Homocysteine: This was mentioned on the Folic Acid bottle. Apparently this mean old amino acid shows up in the blood when you have bad things like heart disease. Apparently if you monitor the levels of homocysteine and take things like Folic Acid with B vitamins to help it get converted into good things, you are more likely to be healthy in several ways. But since nobody can make money selling a fancy medicine to help with it, it doesn't get much press.

Written Kitten: It's actually Written? Kitten! and I wanted to see if it would work on my mobile phone. Unfortunately, I didn't see a kitten after I put in 100 fake words to test it. And I can't cut and paste from the page.

Pistachio Nut Shell Floor: Who wouldn't want a floor made of these smooth, almond-colored shells? It would be like getting a massage with every step. But nobody makes such a floor. Yet. :)

Kickstarter Recipe: Trying to find out why the world would pay thousands of dollars for a guy to make potato salad. Still baffled.

2048 score for win: While waiting for a concert to start, my friend introduced me to this evil time-sucking game. While my scores were still in the six thousand range, I decided to check to see how high they would have to get to be close to winning. I'm up to 15,900 now. No wins.

Fake egg for laying hens: When my mother was young, they would put a china egg in the nesting boxes to encourage the hens to lay - maybe. She doesn't remember the details. Other people do this with eggs made of various materials. By the way, you don't need this. The eggs come anyway.

State of Fear Crichton: I wanted to see if other people felt the same way about this book. They do. They don't love it. I'm sort of reading as an example of "how not to do it". But it gave me some stuff to talk about when I met a guy who had spent time in Antarctica. Whatever.

With what I most enjoy contented least: Someone must have mentioned this quotation, but I have no idea what the context was. It just sounds depressing now.